Saturday, July 18, 2020

Who ARE Those Masked Men?

The officers of Olive Branch Lodge No. 26. A.F. & A.M. were duly installed at the regular stated meeting of July 11, 2020.

Congratulations to our newly installed Master, James Muller.

The purpose of Olive Branch No. 26 includes being a a part of a fraternity of good men, Freemasonry, who are linked together by honorable and indissoluble bonds, to accomplish noble purposes, eschewing all interest in factional politics and sectarian religion and free from the dictation of both.  

To advance the moral and social interest of our membership; to foster good citizenship, honest industry and upright living;  to cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to assist the widows and orphans of its deceased members;  to stimulate friendship, harmony and brotherly love and generally to promote, in its own way, the happiness of mankind.

We encourage the investigation of History – The history of Olive Branch Lodge, Steven F. Austin’s Lodge of Union, the town of San Felipe de Austin, and especially the restoration, preservation of Freemasonry and its impact upon the locality of San Felipe, as well as both Masonic and Texas History.

We support the preservation and restoration of the Masonic Lodge room at San Felipe with the painted starry sky and all seeing eye; potentially one of the oldest Masonic Lodge rooms extant in Texas.

Our next meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2020.

As the suspects were all masked, we find it difficult to identify them in these photos.


A few members attended in period dress.