Why Olive Branch?

By: Chris G. Dalrymple D.C., F.I.C.C.

We are Olive Branch Lodge No. 26 A. F. & A. M.  Why "Olive Branch Lodge?"  Here is some speculation of what the olive branch relates to historically:
"The olive branch in Western culture, derived from the customs of Ancient Greece, symbolizes peace or victory and was worn by brides." [1]

"The mythological origin of the olive as a symbol of peace as opposed to war goes back to a contest between Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, and Poseidon, the god of the sea. Whoever could produce the gift most useful to mortals would win."

"Poseidon offered the horse, useful in warfare. Athena's gift was the olive tree, which the gods judged to be the more useful. Athena was awarded the city of Athens."
"Olives are naturally associated with peace because, practically speaking, one cannot cultivate an olive grove in a war zone. Olive trees need many years of growth to produce their first fruit (and can live for 500 years). Farming itself is a peaceful occupation. Also, olives provide oil for lamps, so they bring light. And the cleansing power of olive oil brings purification." [2]

"The chief designer of the Great Seal [of the United States] said, 'The olive branch and arrows denote the power of peace & war.'  What's more, the American Eagle looks toward the olive branch,  this ancient symbol of peace held in its stronger talon. In other words:  The power of peace is superior to the power of war (symbolized by the bundle of arrows in the eagle's left talon).'"[3]

In Massachusetts "Olive Branch Lodge is one of the oldest duly constituted lodges of Freemasonry in the United States.  This lodge has not missed a regularly scheduled meeting in nearly 220 years ... the Lodge Charter, [was] signed by renowned patriots Paul Revere & Isaiah Thomas" [4] 

Our lodge, however, is not nearly so old.  Olive Branch Lodge No. 26 was originally chartered in Cincinnati, Texas, January 1, 1847.  

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