Saturday, January 12, 2019

We Attract What We Are

In the article Mind the Gap in the January 2019 issue of Knight Templar Magazine, brother Matt Nelson shares some astute observations that Masons should consider.

"We attract what we are, not what we want.  If we are an organization of motivated, influential, good men, we will attract the same.  If we are simply another social club that promotes pseudo-elitists to fulfill egotistical goals, that is exactly the kind of man that will knock on our doors."

"Men have an idea of what Masonry is already, and they have expectations.  If we do not help set these expectations, but simply demand that the candidates appreciate the ceremonies, they will leave disappointed."

"Freemasonry not only offers education, but promotes it."

"The decay of social fiber and the social credit of our nation once had is noticeable alongside the decline of membership numbers."

"We must look out for one another, help improve the brother next to us, not simply seek our own success and advancement.  This fraternity offers a great opportunity for a safe space in which men are accepted and loved, a place where face to face relationships are valued...If the candidate cannot be a friend...that lodge, and perhaps Masonry in general, is not for him.  If we cannot befriend the candidate, we need to help him find a lodge that can or an organization that will."

"We are a group of men who have had a very personal and very private experience.  This experience is unique and powerful and can only be understood by those who have passed through it.  The initiatic rites are all but gone in today's culture. ... The pop-culture idea of a secret society is a negative vision.  Perhaps, when discussing this concept, the term private could be used.  Follow that with, 'and if someone is interested, and is found to be a good candidate for the fraternity, they can go through the same rites."

"At times, when the current [of the fast paced world] seems too fast, members or lodges end up turning inward and stop sharing the light and power of the fraternity."

Share Freemasonry with young men, and its appendant bodies with young women.  We will attract what we are.

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